Trovac line-up

Beam 360


Table of content

Click to see Technical File

Click to see Motor & Electric component

Click to see Bags & Filters

Click for Warranty

Click for owner's manual


Technical File


Motor and electric component


Motors AMETEK thru-flow - Lamb - 120V - 2 stages - 5.7 in (TM226400)

Technical sheet of the Ametek 122264 motor (TM226400)

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Circuit board 15amp 120v (ELECIR901V)


Circuit board connection diagram (ELECIR901V)

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Power coard 120v (ELECOR01)


Bags and filters


Heavy duty electrostatic filter bag (TDSAC93N)

Self-cleaning filter Goretex Hepa type (TDFILTGORE11)




Motor and circuit board: 10 years 

Labor: 1 year