FAQ about maintenance and installation
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RF Handle & Hose Cover on Retraflex Installation

Click here for the instruction manual

1. There is a connection problem between the receiver and the transmitter of the RF handle, what to do?
→ First, check if the blue light is on the handle, if not, change the insertion on the handle which is also called the transmitter. 
Cyclovac RF handle product code: TBORFEMER1
Mvac/No name RF handle product code : TBORFEMEN1

2. Retraflex installation with 4 RF handles... The blue lights on the (4) handles come on but the vacuum cleaner won't start, what is the problem?
→ First, make sure the vacuum cleaner is working, by doing a test with a Standard handle. If the vacuum cleaner works, it is the TBORFREC1 receiver that is no longer working, so the receiver should be changed. 

3. Can a hose cover be installed on a Retraflex hose without a cover already installed?
No, Retraflex hoses without a cover have a diameter of 1 3/8", which is the maximum diameter to run through PVC pipes. 

4. Is it possible to remove the cover on a Retraflex hose?
No, because the surface without the cover will be sticky

5. How do I connect Retraflex outlets to the central vacuum?

**First, the outlets must not be connected to each other.
They must all be connected directly to the unit. **

Example installation with 3 Retraflex outlets: One outlet has a black and red low voltage wire, which can be separated and thus create two connections. Each black wire must pass through the transmitter and each red wire must pass through the device. And from the transmitter, at the other end, there is a wire that will connect to the vacuum cleaner.

5.1 If the RF handle doesn't start the vacuum cleaner, what to do?

→ First, check if the handle is sending the signal? If yes, it means that the batteries are ok. Next, check that the Retraflex plugs are properly connected to the transmitter & vacuum cleaner. If so, ask the installer if he opened the plug and pulled the hose before starting the vacuum with the RF handle. Most of the time this is the problem.


Click here for the instruction manual