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- Bags, Filters & UV Lamp
- FAQ about maintenance and installation
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Bags Maintenance
1. We recommend changing the bag in the unit every 6 months and the frequency may change depending on the use.
2. Note that it is important to change the bag and not to reuse it, they are made for single use.
3. Please note that the 4 tooth adapters & bags are no longer available because the 4 tooth adapters were used before 2005. A 3 tooth bag can do without problem and is installed in the same way.
4. For more information on installing the new bag, please refer to your instruction manual in the Maintenance section.
→ Instruction manual for Cyclo Vac products : Link to Trilingual Instruction Manual
→ Instruction manual for Mvac products : Link to Trilingual Instruction Manual
** If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Service
at 450-434-2233 or at the following email info@trovac.com **